Nestor Community Cleanup

Join ILACSD as we team up with Councilmember Vivian Moreno‘s office and SDG&E for a litter cleanup in Nestor. Volunteers will remove litter and debris from the area to preserve its natural beauty and divert waste from the local watershed. Come out for this exciting opportunity to meet the Councilmember, as well as learn ways to protect our local environment!

ILACSD will bring all the cleanup supplies and explain the impact of this cleanup on our watershed. We also provide community service hours and Letters of Appreciation for volunteers.

We encourage volunteers to bring their own reusable items such as water bottles, work gloves, and buckets. Doing so helps us work toward our vision of a zero waste, litter-free and environmentally engaged San Diego region!

All volunteers are required to fill out a waiver form to participate. Anyone under the age of 18 needs a waiver signed by their parent or guardian.

See you there!

For a map and directions, click HERE.
For the waiver, click HERE.
Register today!

SE HABLA ESPAÑOL: Si se requiere ayuda con la registración, llame a Carly Keen (619) 704-2774 o mande un email a